Latest Updates
Check here for a brief list of the latest updates to the site.
Longwood Garden photos (8/3/08)
Magic Pages redesign (11/10/06)
The Eyes Have It photos (4/29/06)
Magic Checklist updated (4/18/06)
Postcard Archive Updated (3/31/06)
Site Redesign begun (3/10/06)
Frappr! Map (added 3/5/06)
Home of Double T and Black Cats Manor
Welcome to the home of Double T and Black Cats Manor. Feel free to
click around, post a comment, pin my Frappr! map, watch a few
slideshows, apply to the Double T University, listen to some music,
pick up some Meditech magic tips, and waste some time exploring some
fractals and other diversions.
What's Here
MeditechMagic Pages - CDS attributes andadvancedNPR tricks and tips
Photography -Amateur digital photography and slideshows
Live FromBlack CatsManor - an occasionally updated blog onmiscellaneous topics
BlackCats Manor Frappr! Map - Stick a pin init
BlackCats Manor Web Cam -views from around Black Cats Manor, maybe live, maybe not
Music- Midi -old original midi music
Music-RealAudio -original music by Double T and the Blades in RealAudio format
TheBladesand More - Cafeteria music for the hearingimpaired
Diversions -miscellaneous humor collected from around the web
FractalAlbum - fractal images
ReflectionLane -miscellaneous graphics with java effects
OtherWorlds -fractal planets
DoubleT University -free and useless diplomas just by taking a simple entrance examination
Mediterranean Scenes- photos of my daughter's trip to Italy, Greece, and Rome